Well, I think the last time I did this was in either 2004 or 2005 so I may be a little rusty. Please work with me as I regain my bearings. Basically what I will be doing here is sharing ideas and posing questions about a variety of topics for you to consider. I attempt objectivity in the posts, saving my point of view for later.
For me this is an opportunity to gather my thoughts, reflect on them and share them with you. It’s calming and I’ve missed it dearly. So, please read, and if you are so inclined, let me know how you feel. Enjoy!
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* There has been a lot of talk recently about Hilary Clinton wanting to be on the Ticket with Obama as VP… how would this combination be harmful/beneficial to the democratic party and how would it detract/add to his message of change?
* Does anyone in the media realize that the Bush administration claimed victory in Iraq back in 2003 and yet we still have a multi-billion dollar war going on 5 years and thousands of lives later? Why is this ok?
* On Russ Parr’s show this morning, they had a conversation about the R. Kelly trial, and how a significant number of his listeners’ were writing in to blame the girl, who was 12 or 13 at the time. The penile system often charges young teenagers as adults for serious crimes. Has our society gotten to the point where we think children are fully responsible for their actions?
* Conversely, a judge sentenced a father to six months in jail because his 19 year old daughter failed the GED exam again. The daughter also has an 18 month old child. At what point should parents be accountable for the actions or inactions of their children?
* Is anyone else cheering really hard that the Celtics win the NBA Championship this year (Go KG!!!)? Is anyone else also finding it somewhat difficult to stomach the fact that it’s the Celtics they are cheering for?
* Someone close to me once said “If they aren’t married, they are single” in reference to men and women in committed however not legally binding relationships. Does/should “cheating” only apply to married couples? Do we place too much importance on pre-marital relationships? If not, what’s the difference between being boyfriend/girlfriend and being your husband/wife?
* How frequently do you think about what you want in your life? Do you ever feel guilty about some of the things that you want? Do you take actions to put yourself in position to get what you want or do you take steps to ensure or only slightly elevate your current status?
* One of my professors said that one of her colleagues abroad indicated the only thing the United States was good for was producing entertainment (sports, movies, music) and that we might as well get out of every other business. With the number of companies outsourcing design and manufacturing, and the number of students obtaining technical degrees declining, do they have a point?
* I’ve always been of the mindset that it is much better to be actual friends with someone before you get involved in a relationship with them. Is this reasonable or is it just as possible to develop a great relationship with someone who meets you with the intent to date you?
That's it for now. Thanks for reading!
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Hey Alana!
I love your blog, you bring up alot of interesting topics. I personally feel that the R. Kelly trial is interesting, since I would beat the living you-know-what out of any 40 year old man trying to get with my teenage daughter. So, if R. Kelly is indeed guilty, then what he may have done is certainly not cool. That's the first point.
The second question is why in the world it takes 6 years for someone to be put on trial? If you or I were to be accused of such a crime, I can't imagine that we would be able to spend 6 years on tour around the world. That's just crazy.
Third question: Does making a "slamming album" forgive your sins? If R. Kelly did commit this crime (I am not saying he is guilty until the verdict is announced), why in the hell are black people willing to allow good music to make them forget about the fact that he may have been scoping the local middle school for hot women?
I hate going off on another brother, but R. Kelly needs serious help. He also needs to be held accountable for this kind of behavior IF IT HAPPENED.
Love the blog sister!
Boyce Watkins
Glad you decided to start blogging. I'll be reading everyday! Now on with the show...
I personally don't think Obama should put Hilary on the ticket. Maybe I'm being selfish, but I am totally disappointed in the Clintons' and how they've handle themselves during this campaign. She LOST. They got beat at their own game and she should just accept it and move on. The media is already trying to move on from his win by creating all this "buzz" about he being on the ticket. It's his choice, so they need to let him decide on his own terms.
The Iraq War isn't sexy anymore. It's costing billions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of lives (not just American soilders, but innocent Iraqis too) and Bush has made it clear that getting out of there is not an option on his watch. Americans have a short attention span and when things stop being sexy and start becoming depressing ratings drop and advertisers pull out.
R. Kelly (if he is guilty and yes I think he is) needs to be in jail. You cannot blame a 13 year old girl for sleeping with a 30-something year old man. She is not mature enough to make that decision I don't care how "grown" she appears or acts.
19 years old and you fail a GED exam again and you are somebody's mother, she needs to be ashamed and so should her entire family. This is exactly what Bill Cosby is been talking about, "come on people."
OMG Angel! Welcome to the Blogosphere!
Hello you can’t just step out the gate asking me my thoughts. What do you think?!! LOL
Okay I’m going to keep it short because I don’t even write in my own damn blog like I should. :-)
1. Hilary is a kunt! (Okay maybe I shouldn’t say that now that she is backing my boy, but at the time you wrote this she was still acting up) Hell no she shouldn’t be VP!! She showed her @$$ during the primary. It will never work.
2. Bush is a kunt and a dick in one. No further comment
3. R. Kelly like young kunts…He’s so pathetic. I wonder how many STI’s he has…I guess if he fucks little girls he should be good right? Pedophile!
4. Sports…NEXT!! Lol
5. Guys are and will forever be cheaters. It doesn’t matter if there are single, involved, in an “official” relationship, or married. (Can you tell I have trust
6. I think about what I’m going to do with my life 24/7. I still have no clue.
7. Friendships are good as long as you don’t get STUCK in friend mood. Sometimes guys (and even girls) use that as an excuse not to get in a real relationship. I know my ass has used it! LOL
Okay that’s all I have to say. Again, welcome and I look forward to seeing more from you! Don’t let me down miss. :-)
Clinton becoming Obama’s VP only makes me fear for his life more than I did prior.
My brother, who was a government contractor Iraq, said that if Clinton had won the democratic nomination, he would have voted for McCain despite preferring her ideals. His reasoning why...he said, “Among Middle Eastern countries a woman president would be perceived as a sign of American weakness, therefore there is no telling what they may attempt.” I thought this was interesting because I never thought about it in that context. If Obama had not run, Clinton would have received my vote hands down. All this led me to another question…although USA is ready for a woman president (which is a positive), is the rest of the world?
As for Iraq…or should I say a modern day Vietnam, a war fought not to win and in this case there was nothing to be won except for maybe control of black gold. But since when was oil something worth waging war for….maybe when it is $5 a gallon, lol… start of Bush admin $1.30/g, Today $4.05/g and counting.
As for the R. Kelly trial, watch Boondocks Season 1, episode 2. Our people die daily due to ignorance. Several callers wanted to blame the 13 year old child for the events, however, at want point do we acknowledge legal versus illegal. If what “the R” is being charged with is in fact true, then he broke the law.
I think we have a tendency to mix morality and legality which are two different issues. For example, let’s take Barry Bonds, has been charged with lying to the feds about steroid use. If he did lie then he broke the law, which is the angle they are using to prosecute him. But you and I both know, since when did lying about using drugs warrant jail time???? People use drugs all the time and are often caught with paraphernalia, but they never face or even receive a fraction of what they are trying to do to Barry.
Children become adults at the age of 18…the buck stops there. Terrible ruling.
I can stomach cheering for the Celtics more so than the Lakers. I really despise Kobe Bryant.
Cheating only applies to Married couples! When you are dating or in “committed relationship” 90% percent of the time there is a way out with minimal ramifications, with the exception of emotional stress. If more is at stake, i.e. mortgage, cars, loans, etc, then you have stopped playing bf/gf and begun assuming a spousal role which is giving entirely too much without the necessary commitment. Beyond focusing on the relationship, we should concentrate more on the type of individual we want to be the father or mother of our children. Role models are critical to children’s success. What better role model than your parents?
I think your professor has a valid point, but it has less to do with our inability a more to do with what Americans glorify. All we care about is fame and fortune. Some people even have the nerve to argue “you don’t need an education to be successful”. When did the sole purpose of an education become success versus enlightenment? We do not foster education like other countries, especially 3rd world nations. I always say to my business school colleagues, “ we SHOULD find it problematic that throughout the courses we have taken in first year, the majority of our professors are not from the United States. In 3rd world nations, your work is link to your food and shelter, which is the only means to ensure your survival. In our nation, you can eat and live well and not do a damn thing everyday of your life! That is our weakness. Learning how to survive builds character and resolve; we seem to have forgotten that.
As for education…this is a long conversation. I will keep it brief. The main issue with education is that public school districts are primarily funded by local real estate taxes. Let’s do the Math…. Bethesda, MD real estate taxes versus Baltimore, MD real estate taxes, then divide that by the number of school age children in each respective district…we have a huge discrepancy/problem in the amount of money allotted per child within the same state.
Dr. B! Thank you for the support as always, now that we know Robert got off scott free, does that make him any less guilty? Does more than 10% of the population even care? I don't know.
Hi Keish! Thank you for commenting and encouraging me to write in one of these way back when. Have you noticed how Hill has gone AWOL? I wonder when and why she'll resurface. I'm with you, she should be off.
CAG! Thanks for the welcome. You are HEE-Larious. Why is everyone the "C/K" word. LOL. In regards to #5, I should have been right there with you! Lastly, some Friendships aren't worth the text messages or hugs they are built on (see, I'm developing my own!) But some definitely are! (OK, I lapse)
The Man, The Myth, The Legend is in the building! I'm impressed, thanks for sharing! You raise a very interesting point about whether the rest of the world is ready for a woman president, my response is half the US wasn't ready for slavery to end, but after all was said and done, things changed. Hate to use that example but it applies.
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