After struggling to find my way from North West DC to South East DC without actually going through the city, I arrived at my home for the night about 9:00pm on January 19, 2009. TP2 and 3 friends were waiting, and we immediately hopped in the car for a CVS run.
12 P's
We had to be prepared for what lay ahead. There was a list. Finger Warmers (sold out), UNO Cards ($10), Deck of Cards ($2.37), 9-V batteries ($8.99), Chips, mini-water bottles... you get the picture.
I was hungry so we stopped at a few places trying to find chicken (one place ran out) and then headed home. Once there, we were on a mission. It' was after 10:30pm and four women needed to get eat, clothes together, shower, make sandwiches, pack snacks and get some sleep. Mission accomplished by 12:15am. Alarm was set for 3:30am. It was all very mechanical.
Rise and Shine!

Thousands of people bottled up at exit gates. Obama hats, scarfs and jackets. Flashes every second. Security. Inauguration day.
Outside there were tens of thousands... ok, probably hundreds of thousands even at that time. The US Capital off in the distance, glowing. Navy sky as a backdrop for a sea of people moving, smiling, running, standing in awe.
We moved quickly, arriving at the front of the Mall packed like sardines.
The singing began. Lift Every Voice and Sing... Lean on Me.... someone even started Amazing Grace. Many people joined in. Then the birthdays. Can you imagine sharing your birthday with President Obama's Inauguration?
President Obama....
The jumbo trons began broadcasting the free concert on Sunday some hours later after sunrise. Beautiful. We sung and danced along. The feeling in the air was festive and anxious. We had our flags, we had each other, we were ready.
The musical selection that made me wish I still played the cello. Our first Lady Michelle looking very warm in a skirt and sheers. The 39th, 41st, and 42nd Presidents greeting and being ushered in. The final farewell to W. Then we see him walking down the hall. Those who were seated, stood. Those standing rose to their tip-toes. There he was.
We yelled in excitement and waved our flags. The Oaths... it became final. Another tear (or two). Then the speech.
After I got home I watched commentary on a few different channels. They thought it was a risky speech because it wasn't inspirational. What they fail to realize, still, is that we are ALREADY inspired. He has given us hope and made us dream for the last two years. His last few speeches have been designed to give us a blueprint for how to reach them, together.
I didn't mention it before, but it was bitterly cold and sometimes windy. I think it was 13 degrees when we got there. The ground was frozen and after a few hours, my toes were in trouble. Thank goodness for extra toe warmers and newspaper. Everyone wearing gloves had their fingers balled into fists. We were thankful for the crowds to block the wind. Then there were the pushy people, jockeying for position. Even then, it was all smiles and jokes. Walking away I felt my sore back and hips. We walked a few miles to get to the Navy Yard Metro Station. On that walk, we were joined by people of all ages, races and genders. Most of us were walking a little funny, but we were still smiling and thankful.
As I type this blog, I realize it isn't very eloquent. I'm just kind of jotting things, and it's a bit jumpy. Please forgive me, I am completely beat, but I have no regrets. To answer my question - being a part of history.... Priceless.
1 comment:
WOW! Alana wants to me Ma Yo Yo? lol!
I had a feeling you went...but I didn't see you on tv! You should've grabbed a reporter and shouted out, there were tons of them! ^_^
Though you were a bit jumpy in your description, I could picture it clearly as I remember the events that played out on tv. It was fun to watch, the media did good capturing the string of events that occurred, and he got alot of face time too. :) I'm not sure when you got back, but did you catch the first dance? Beyonce did a good piece too. I'm sure it'll be on youtube soon...'nite, sweet dreams.
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