We moved quickly, arriving at the front of the Mall packed like sardines.
We moved quickly, arriving at the front of the Mall packed like sardines.
As this is the first blog of the New Year, I was hoping to come up with something insightful and thought provoking. Often times, blogs of that nature are born of hurt, agony or disappointment. I made a personal vow to leave as much of these ill feelings in 2008, and to be honest, I think I can do it.
2008 was a difficult year. There was a point when I'd lost a lot of myself. I was surrounded with negative energy, and I allowed negative thoughts to take over my days. I wasn't happy. My mother has always said that I have the ability to change my frame of mind, my outlook. I just have to make the decision to do it. Well, I started the process of purging those people and things that were not adding value to my life, and that made a tremendous difference. I then took a look at myself, and my life, and made some decisions and commitments to the things that I want.
I have faith that 2009 is going to be a special year. I mean, already PITT has earned a #1 ranking in both polls for the first time in 101 seasons and the Ravens are winning playoff games! Seriously though (even though that was pretty serious), I still feel that God has wonderful things in store for me. Professionally I have grand ideas I think are actionable... I will finally get a business going. I'm re-bonding with my cousins and my brother... To my surprise and delight, I'm going to be an aunt! My father is expressing himself and our relationship is flourishing. My mother and I are coexisting and still remain as close as ever. I'm blessed with great friends and a supportive family. I have a significant other that I think is wonderful...
We all know the sayings about life.
- Life is short
- Life is what you make it
- Life is like a box of chocolates
As easy as it is to laugh it off and push it aside to focus on the serious matters of paying bills, waking up for work and handling our obligations... life IS short. It IS what we make it, and it's true, you never know what you're going to get.
I want to live the best life that I can. I have aspirations and I want to see them take shape. I'm full of love and I want to share it. I plan to LIVE. I hope you do too.