Monday, February 16, 2009


My feelings are hurt...

That sums it all up in four words. I don't really want to talk about it. I have something pent up inside, and I can't share it, and I can't write about it. All I can do is feel it. It's a really lonely place to be. I don't like it, and I didn't do anything to deserve it. I don't know how to fix it... it isn't mine to fix...

I prayed about it last night. I woke up and I didn't feel better. Does that mean I didn't really let it go? Probably. I don't want any parts of this. All I really want is a hug and someone to say it'll be ok. And mean it...


F said...

Alana, I didn't see your post until now... Had I known, I would've thrown a couple of things at you, pressed that obnoxious orange bobble head thingy, dragged you to a REAL lunch, shook you a bit, stacked your turtles together and knock them over, decorated your office some more, and made some funny faces at you, amongst a few other things to entertain you...

I don't need to know what has happened, you said you'll be okay and I believe that. Time will heal, you just have to let it. In the mean time, I'm here, in cyberspace, but I'm also just a short drive away, you know that and I can always make time for you.

~Cheers~ ^_^

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear your hurting....I hope all is okay. "F" is right, time will heal all wounds. Spending time with friends and family is usually how I deal with whatever gets me down. Whatever it is that has you down I'm sure you'll emerge a stronger person.

Anyway....xoxoxoxoxo...hope you feel better.