Friday, February 27, 2009

Take it in...

I walked Pepper tonight and was met with thick, warm air and a gentle breeze. I looked over the roofs of the houses and saw God's thumbnail surrounded by stars. I took in a deep breath and momentarily closed my eyes.

I wanted to sit out side and marvel at God's greatness. I felt like being one with the night. The humidity produced by the pending storms gave me a feeling of fullness. The more I inhaled, the more I relaxed. I came inside and asked my mom to come to the park with me. I wanted to see the moon and our balcony didn't face the"right" way. She was reluctant but agreed... unfortunately we didn't find a good place to park and sit, and she let me know about it. Slightly unnerved but determined, I decided the balcony would be better than nothing.

I sat in the chair, leaned my head against the backrest, and lifted my feet over the rail. It was cooler in the back, facing the woods. It was a cloudy night, but when I sat, I saw the opening above me. The beautiful lights twinkling between the clouds. I turned on my iPod, listening to Sade and stared. I think I've watched the clouds before but this felt different. It was beautiful... I could clearly see the Little Dipper which made me smile. As the clouds moved across the sky, I closed my eyes and immediately became aware of the wind. It cooled my cheeks as it caressed my face. I felt my eyes well and the tickle as a single tear rolled down my cheek. There was a new song playing..

If I can see it... then I can do it... If I just believe it... there's nothing to it... I love this song. Somehow sitting beneath the sky, feeling the night air, eyes closed, I could visualize the future I wanted. I actually saw my children playing in the backyard with their father. I could see my husband holding my hand as we walked down the street. I saw myself working on a project for my own business with my mom. I could see my dad hugging his grandson... I opened my eyes and the sky was again clear.

I took the chair back inside and shut the blinds.

1 comment:

F said...

I love the picture you painted and the feelings you evoked. For some reason the song 'I can see clearly now the rain is gone' kept playing in my head as I finished reading your entry. I was enjoying your pictures until your abrupt going inside and closing the blinds. It seemed so real and unreal in that split second...almost as if you were afraid it would happen, that you wanted to hide from it...